US dockers plan strike to end occupation of IraqAs workers in struggle went to press we heard news of
the plans of American dockers to stage a strike on May
1st against the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union
conference in San Francisco has passed a motion
“calling on unions and working people in the US and
internationally to mobilize for a "No Peace No Work
Holiday" on May 1, 2008 for 8 hours to demand an
immediate end to the war and occupation in Iraq and
Afghanistan and the withdrawal of US troops from the
Middle East”.
Citing the fact that both the Republicans and Democrats
are committed to continuing occupations of Iraq and
Afghanistan and threaten a fresh war against Iran, the
dockers argue for workers to take the initiative
themselves and mount industrial action against war.
This call to the international labour movement echoed
the actions of train drivers in Motherwell and Italian
dockers who in 2003 refused to transport weapons
intended for use in Iraq, as well as teachers in Oakland
who staged a strike against the occupation last May.
Solidarity with workers in the Middle East must include
working-class action against our own governments and
the building of an internationalist workers’ movement
opposed to war and imperialism. The call of the ILWU
dockers for strike action on May 1st must be amplified
in order to guarantee and effective action demonstrating
the power of the organised working class and promoting
international labour movement unity.