Saturday 24 February 2007

Stop the Killing of four women

Please sign and cirulate:
Stop the Killing: Urge Prime Minister Blair to put pressure on Iraqi officials to end state murder

In occupied Iraq 2007:

Samar Sa’ad ‘Abdullah (f), aged 25
Wassan Talib (f), aged 31
Zeynab Fadhil (f), aged 25
Liqa’ Qamar (f), aged 25

These four women named above have been sentenced to death, and at least one of them is in imminent danger of execution.

Will the state murder of four women bring stability and the rule of law to Iraq? The situation in Iraq is not normal, the occupiers are failing to comply with the Geneva Convention and the state is completely failing to protect the people. It is therefore hardly in a position to pass judgment and exact such a terminal punishment on these women.

As if the Iraqi women are not suffering enough at the hands of the occupation, the militias and the criminal mafias, they now have a state that not only fails to protect them but will exact revenge on them!

Also a petition to stop Sharia Law being implemented in Iraqi Kurdistan from Organisation of Womens Freedon in Iraq

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