Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq – Support Iraqi Asylum Seekers

Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq – Support Iraqi Asylum Seekers

We don’t want to be deported

On this 1st May please show International Solidarity with Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers. The UK Government has deported 87 Iraqi Kurds over the last 2 years. The UK has commissioned 3 flights from Brize Norton Airbase in Oxford. The nature of the Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers deportation was humiliating and the coalition believes breaks with the Geneva Convention in treatment of refugees. They were woken up early in the morning given no opportunity to collect their belongings. They were pushed out of the detention centres by armed guards, handcuffed and put into a coach and transferred to an airbase in Brize Norton, Oxford. Once on the flight they were given flak jackets prior to being pushed out onto the runway at Erbil left to be picked up by the KDP (hardly appropriate clothing for a so called safe country).

The UK government has pressured Iraqi and Kurdish asylum seekers in the last few years cutting off support and refusing to let them work, making them destitute, and arresting them. The Home Office has put pressure on Kurdish asylum seekers and forced many to leave the country. Many Kurdish asylum seekers have been sacked from their jobs under the excuse of not having the right to stay in the UK. As a result of this harassment many Kurdish asylum seekers are suffering from depression. Many of them have been forced to sleep rough.

The UK Government insists Iraqi Kurdistan is safe and a suitable place to return failed asylum seekers to. However, four million Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan have been living in uncertainty for the last sixteen years. The future of the Kurds is unknown.
The two ruling parties in Kurdistan the PUK and KDP are not democratic parties and continue to persecute all those who speak against them. They violate human rights on a daily basis. There was an incident last year at Tusluja cement factory were the PUK shot at striking workers, hardly the actions of a democratic Government.

Iraq is one of the most dangerous countries to live 100’s of people are killed daily. So far four Million refugees have left Iraq and the flow of refugees continues it is reported that one thousand people leave Iraq every day. The solution is not to forcibly return people to such an unsafe country.

Please support us:

Get your Trade Union Branch or Trades Council or even write a letter in a personal capacity to the:
to the Home Office to stop the police of deportation
Your MP
The Prime Minister

Donate money either personally or ask your Trade Union Branch or Trades Council to Affiliate to CSD Iraq. Please write your cheques to coalition to stop deportations Iraq to PO Box 1575 Ilford IG1 3BZ London UK

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