Sunday, 10 June 2007



Mansour Osanloo, president of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company in Iran was last week sentenced to five years in prison, according to the International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran (IASWI), based in Canada.

On 28 May, a Tehran “revolutionary court” sentenced Osanloo to four years imprisonment for‚ “acting against national security‚” and one year for “propaganda against the system”. According to Osanloo’s lawyer, the verdict has been given on the phone, but no official announcement has yet been made. Osanloo and his lawyers will have 20 days to appeal the verdict.

Other worker activists continue to be imprisoned in Iran. Mahmoud Salehi, the former President of the Bakery Workers’ Association of the City of Saqez and a well-known labour activist in Iran, reported last week that his kidney problem was becoming extremely painful and his blood pressure has fallen considerably. Salehi was imprisoned in April following the final verdict on his May Day 2004 case.

• Letters of protest can be sent via the IASWI website.

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