Sunday, 17 June 2007

US Troops Raid

الاتحاد العام اللاجئين العراقيين
فيدراسيؤني سةرتاسةري ثةنابةراني عيراقي

We Condemn Confiscating the IFC Headquarters by US Forces

The executive bureau of Iraqi Freedom Congress (IFC) has informed IFIR that US troops raided the IFC headquarters in Baghdad and have arrested five IFC Officers and took all the documents of the organization.

IFC is a mass, democratic, non ethnic secular organization. It fights for the freedom and liberation and retrieving security and stability of the Iraqi people. IFC is the alternative of workers, women and all freedom-loving people to rescue Iraqi society from the black scenario, from the ethnocentric war. IFC’s aim is to end the occupation, sectarian wars and homicide, to expel the US forces and its allies, establish a secular government and obtain a humane life for the Iraqi people.

We condemn the US forces attack against IFC headquarters and demand the immediate release of the detainees and restore all documents to the IFC. At the same time we call on all human rights organizations, trade unions and parties to condemn this deed and demand the release of the detainees. Please send letters of protests to the US Embassy.

International Federation of Iraqi Refugees
POBOX1575,ILFORD IG1 3BZ ,LONDON,UK Tel:0044 7856032991 , 00447895636633

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